How Peyronie Disease Can Affect Erectile Function? Unlock the Secrets

Erectile dysfunction is more common than you think with varied causes. Here we will discuss one specific cause; Peyronie disease and how it can affect erectile function?

To say it in a few words, peyronie disease is characterized by the extreme curvature of the penis where the penis bends at an extreme angle due to formation of fibrous plaques inside the penis shaft. This extremity of the curvature renders a man incapable of engaging in sexual intercourse.

The condition is not new and evidence of its presence go as far back as 600 BC. It was given its name by Francois Gigot de La Peyronie, who documented it and described the plaques found under the penis skin.

What Causes Peyronie Disease?

Despite the extensive amount of research done on this condition, doctors are still uncertain about what triggers the formation of the fibrous plaques in the penis shaft that causes the penis to bend at an unnatural angle.

Several factors may be involved. Some doctors theorize that blood ruptures caused by an accident during sports or sexual activities may cause the condition, and others believe that genetics may also be involved because not everyone who suffers this kind of injury gets Peyronie. It may also be a side effect of certain medicines, as beta blockers list Peyronie as a possible side effect.

The causes of Peyronie disease are not entirely understood, but several factors are thought to contribute to its development:

  • Repeated Injury: Trauma to the penis, often resulting from sexual activity, athletic activity, or accidents, can lead to the formation of fibrous scar tissue as the injuries heal.
  • Genetic Factors: In some cases, Peyronie disease may be inherited, suggesting a genetic predisposition to developing the condition.
  • Connective Tissue Disorders: Men with certain connective tissue disorders may be more likely to develop Peyronie disease.
  • Age: Peyronie disease is more commonly diagnosed in men in their 50s and 60s, although it can occur at any age. Not only this disease, with age men become vulnerable to various sexual health complications.

What Are the Main Effects of Peyronie?

Generally, Peyronie can affect you in several ways:


Peyronie disease can cause pain in the penis, often during erections, but sometimes even when the penis is flaccid. Some men who have Peyronie may feel pain in their penis when they have an erection. In most cases, however, this stage of Peyronie ends and the pain disappears even without treatment.

After the painful stage, you may be able to feel some rather solid lumps (these are the plaques) within the penis shaft.

Curvature of the Penis

As these plaques develop, you may notice that your penis may begin to bend at a more extreme angle whenever you have an erection. The significant bend may occur upwards, downwards or to the side.

Difficulty in Intercourse

This curvature can make having sex almost impossible, as the bending may make sex rather uncomfortable and unpleasant not just for you but for your partner as well.

Emotional and Psychological Distress

Emotional and Psychological Distress
Image by webmdz

There’s also a psychological and social impact as well. Because of the strangeness of the bending of the penis, you may feel really embarrassed about it, and your subconscious may prevent you from having an erection so that the curvature doesn’t become noticeable.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Erectile dysfunction is a common effect of Peyronie disease. Men may face difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection. This psychological erectile dysfunction may make sex (and conception) impossible, and your romantic relationship will surely be affected as well.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

If you notice that your penis is bending in a way you believe is unusual, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor immediately. Your doctor may determine whether or not you have Peyronie and the two of you can discuss your treatment options.

The treatment of Peyronie disease has evolved, with a focus on both nonsurgical and surgical interventions depending on the phase of the disease. Surgery options for penile curvature correction may include penile implant or plication. Here are some more treatment options:

Acute Phase Treatments

The following treatments are considered during the acute phase which usually lasts between 5 and 18 month.

  • Traction Therapy: Devices that apply tension to the penis can prevent length loss and limit curvature when used early in the disease process.
  • Medications: Oral medications or injections may be used. However, their effectiveness varies, and some previously used medications have been found ineffective.
  • Shockwave Therapy: This non-invasive treatment uses sound waves to relieve pain and discomfort, although it does not reverse curvature.
  • Collagenase Injections: A study found that collagenase injections were safe and effective during the acute phase, suggesting they might become a first-line treatment option.

Chronic Phase Treatments

Once the disease enters the chronic phase, where symptoms have been stable for at least 3 months, treatment options include:

  • Watchful Waiting: Monitoring the condition closely and intervening if symptoms worsen.
  • Injections: Medications injected directly into the scar tissue to break it down.
  • Stretching Devices: Also known as traction therapy, these devices can be used to straighten the penis.
  • Surgery: Considered the most definitive treatment, surgery is an option when sex is difficult or impossible due to the disease.

Nonsurgical Interventions

For those seeking less invasive treatments, nonsurgical options are available, particularly relevant during the 6 to 12 months after symptom onset.

Medication like pentoxifylline, potassium para-aminobenzoate, and carnitine are mostly used to treat Peyronie disease. Among injections, collagenase injections (Xiaflex) are the only FDA-approved treatment for Peyronie disease. Some doctors may prescribe straightening devices or in drastic situations, you may need to undergo surgery to treat it. In early stages, penile traction therapy is used.

No single treatment is effective for every case of Peyronie Disease. Many health supplements have been recommended by specialists (the simplest supplement used to treat this condition is Vitamin E). The most appropriate treatment will depend on individual symptoms and progression.

Peyronie Disease and Its Effect on Erectile Function

The pathogenesis of PD involves the formation of plaques or scar tissue along the shaft of the penis, which can disrupt normal blood flow and elasticity. This disruption is a key factor in the development of ED, as adequate blood flow and tissue flexibility are essential for achieving and maintaining an erection.

Impact of Peyronie Disease on Erections

The physical manifestations of PD—curvature, shortening, and narrowing of the penis—can severely impact erectile function. The curvature can make sexual intercourse difficult or impossible, while the pain can discourage sexual activity altogether. Moreover, the psychological impact of the disease can further exacerbate ED, leading to a vicious cycle of physical and emotional distress.

Men with PD may experience a range of symptoms affecting their erections, including:

  • Painful erections, which can deter sexual activity.
  • Bent erections, making intercourse difficult or impossible.
  • Shortening of the penis, due to the formation of scar tissue.
  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (ED), which is reported in approximately 46.4% of PD cases.

Severity of Peyronie Disease and ED

The severity of ED associated with PD is closely linked to the size and location of the plaque. Plaques that are larger or located on the dorsal side of the penis tend to cause more severe curvature and consequently more significant ED. Conversely, smaller plaques or those located laterally may have a less pronounced effect on erectile function.

Peyronie disease is a complex condition and can impact your quality of life generally and erectile function specifically. As said earlier, it has both physical and emotional effects. Medical interventions can help in addressing the physical effects. People often neglect the mental help needed to tackle this challenging condition. With proper professional guidance, anyone can fight this condition successfully.

Peyronie Disease Can Affect Erectile Function: FAQs

How do you treat Peyronie erectile dysfunction?

There are ways to manage Peyronie and improve your erections. This might involve medications like injections, stretching devices, or lifestyle changes like quitting smoking. In some cases, surgery might be an option.

What happens if Peyronie is left untreated?

Leaving Peyronie untreated can lead to pain during sex, trouble getting an erection, and even a bend in your penis that makes intercourse difficult. It can also affect your ability to have children and cause emotional stress.

Can Peyronie disease heal itself?

Sometimes, mild Peyronie can improve by itself within a year. But for more severe cases, you’ll likely need treatment to regain flexibility and reduce pain.

Is Peyronie disease related to erectile dysfunction?

The two are often linked. Peyronie can cause a bend that makes sex difficult, leading to ED. In some cases, you might even experience ED before noticing other Peyronie symptoms. The scar tissue in Peyronie can mess with blood flow, making it harder to get and keep an erection.

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