Promethazine DM – Uses and Side Effects

Promethazine DM is a medication that is used to treat cold-like symptoms in the common cold and allergic rhinitis as well. The promethazine DM is an over-the-counter medication in most places, which means you can easily buy it from a pharmacy or medical store. You can keep these medications at home, and instead of going to a doctor or a pharmacy every time, you can treat such symptoms at your home.

When you are prone to allergies and have seasonal allergies, it is good to be prepared for it, and having such medicines at home will help you with that. Despite this medicine being an over-the-counter medicine, it is still the one you need to watch for because it helps with sleep so that it can be easily misused. Promethazine DM might not even be an over-the-counter medicine in most places, and that is because of the tendency of it being misused.

Promethazine DM syrup

This syrup can be available under different brand names. The most common brand names that you might find promethazine DM syrup are Phenergan and Phenadoz. Mostly you will find this medication by the name of promethazine DM syrup. This syrup contains two main ingredients promethazine and dextromethorphan. The dose of promethazine and dextromethorphan in the syrup formulation is as follows.

  • Promethazine 6.25 mg
  • Diphenhydramine 15mg

Promethazine and diphenhydramine both work together to help relieve allergy-like symptoms.


It is a derivative of another drug known as phenothiazine. This is a first-generation antihistamine, and it acts on the H1 receptors in your body; by acting on these receptors, the promethazine plays an important role in allergic reactions, sedation, nausea, and even pain. So, all in all, it helps treat all cold-like symptoms that you go through in allergic reactions. Seasonal allergies can be treated very well with this drug. The sedating effects of this medication are because it also acts on the muscarinic and NMDA receptors on your body. The half-life of promethazine is 12 to 15 hours, which means that half of the drug that you initially take leaves your body or system in 12 to 15 hours.


Diphenhydramine is another first-generation antihistamine. It also acts on the H1 receptor to treat symptoms of allergy. Diphenhydramine helps with the allergy, insect bites, and other rashes as well. The diphenhydramine from the promethazine dm syrup is not only an antihistamine but also acts as antitussive and hypnotic medicine. Since H1 receptors are present in your body and central nervous system as well, the diphenhydramine will act on both. That is how it induces the hypnotic effects along with sedation. Diphenhydramine may also be responsible for delaying anxiety and depression disorders, but researches are being done on that.

Uses of promethazine DM syrup

Since you know how the promethazine and diphenhydramine in the promethazine DM syrup work, you know what it can be used for. But here listed are some of the main uses of promethazine DM Syrup.

  • This medication will help relieve the symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing. Even if it is from the common cold, hay fever, or other allergies.
  • This medication is a great help in other breathing illnesses as well, but you can take it only when advised by your doctor.
  • This syrup will help with the cough as it acts on the grain part that can suppress the need to cough. This is how the cough gets better. But when it comes to some serious problem like cough associated with smoking and in the infections in your bronchia, this syrup would be of no use.
  • This medicine may also be considered a sleep aid because it has a sedative effect. But it is not wise to take this medication for the long term for the sole purpose of sedation. This may lead to addiction to this medication, and you won’t be able to sleep without using this medicine, which is not safe for your general health.

Use of promethazine DM syrup in children

You are not allowed to use promethazine DM syrup in children that are younger than six years old. The kids older than that age are given the dose that is recommended for the children; if you are unable to find a formulation in that dose, a pharmacist will be able to dilute the medicine to obtain less dose. Giving this medication to children to make them sleep is another one of the wrong practices and one you should completely avoid doing. Sometimes people try to treat themselves with different medicines at the same time. That shouldn’t be done in the case of children, especially with similar medications. Also, avoid using this medicine for a longer period. See a doctor if this medicine is not working well for your children.

How to use promethazine DM syrup

Syrups like promethazine dm syrup may seem easier to take, but they are the tricky ones instead. First of all, you can’t get the dose exactly right all the time. That is the most important thing about taking a medicine. Following are some of the instructions for using promethazine DM syrup.

  • First of all, you need to take this medicine after repeated intervals the doctor has told you about. Usually, you have to take it every 4 to 6 hours. This may vary based on your age, condition, and response to the medicine.
  • You shouldn’t be using this medicine for a longer time and should stop medication even if the symptoms persist. Contacting your doctor will be a good idea at this point.
  • You should measure your dose in a measuring spoon and not with household spoons.
  • This medicine will cause dryness, so it will be better to take a lot of fluids while you use this medication. The more fluid intake will also make the mucus lining in your lungs lose.

Side effects of promethazine dm

Promethazine dm syrup, just like every other medication, also have side effects. The following are some of those side effects for which you can find the solution

  • Blurred visions, nausea, constipation, and dryness of the mouth are a few of the common side effects of promethazine DM.
  • You will also feel lightheadedness after waking up from your sleep.
  • Since this medicine will make you drowsy, it is advised not to use it In the daytime, or it will affect your day-to-day tasks.
  • If you are allergic to this medication, you might see that your symptoms are starting to get worse. Especially when you start to develop more allergy-like symptoms, then you need to top your medication and need to see a doctor immediately.


Some precautions may help you avoid the worse after-effects of this medication; the following are some of the precautions related to the use of promethazine dm syrup

  • You should be taking this syrup before you have to drive or have to operate heavy machinery as it may result in some fatal accidents.
  • You should inform your doctor or pharmacist about all the previous medical history and allergies that you have. This way many complications with the use of their medication can be avoided.
  • If you already have a breathing problem or any other medical condition, then you should inform your doctor or pharmacist about it. The use of this syrup might complicate your medical conditions even more.
  • Since this medication affects your central nervous system and makes you sleepy, then you shouldn’t be using it with their recreational drugs and weed. You must also limit your alcohol intake while you are taking this medication.
  • Before you have to go for an x-ray or surgery, you must tell your doctor about the use of this medication and how frequently you use it.
  • You can only use this medication on pregnancy when it is necessarily needed. That should also be by the advice of your doctor.
  • For feeding mothers, it is still unknown if the drugs can pass through into the breast milk. If it does, it can be very dangerous for you feeding the child. So, it shouldn’t be done without your doctor’s advice.
  • Try not to give this medicine to children and the elderly. However if you must, then it is necessary to monitor their dosage. It should also be given when a doctor prescribes you this medication instead of just buying it on your own.


So what is needed to be known about the promethazine DM cough syrup is all above. Both the active ingredients in this formulation work together to relieve the allergy-like symptoms. With all the side effects related to this medication, you have to watch it closely and have to monitor the dosing and after-effects of this medication. You can buy this medication very easily in most places. However in some of the areas, this medication is not allowed for sale without a prescription. That restriction was because of the increasing misuse of this medication. Furthermore, you can also try Virtussin AC Syrup for cough and congestion.


Does promethazine DM syrup help you sleep?

  • Promethazine DM is a combination medicine that contains dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) and promethazine (an antihistamine).
  • Promethazine has sedative properties and can promote sleepiness. Studies suggest that it may be effective in encouraging sleep and increasing total sleeping time.
  • Therefore, Promethazine DM may help with sleep, especially if you have insomnia or if symptoms like coughing, cold, or itching keep you awake at night.

Is promethazine a narcotic?

No, Promethazine is not classified as a narcotic. It is an antihistamine commonly used for various purposes, including treating allergies, nausea, and coughs.

Does DM cough syrup make you sleepy?

Yes, Promethazine DM can make you sleepy. Since it relieves allergy symptoms, it is more likely to cause drowsiness than other antihistamines. If you’re using Promethazine DM, be cautious when combining it with other drugs that also cause drowsiness, such as opioids, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, or anxiety medications.

How much promethazine can I take for a cough?

  • The recommended dosages for Promethazine DM are as follows:
    • Adults: 1 teaspoonful (5 mL) every 4 to 6 hours, not exceeding 30 mL in 24 hours.
    • Children (6 to under 12 years): ½ to 1 teaspoonful (2.5 to 5 mL) every 4 to 6 hours, not exceeding 20 mL in 24 hours.
    • Children (2 to under 6 years): ¼ to ½ teaspoonful (1.25 to 2.5 mL) every 4 to 6 hours, not exceeding 10 mL in 24 hours.

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