Teenagers Getting Delsym High

Before we can talk about the Delsym High we must know about the abusive use of the drugs and abusive use of medicines is something that we all are aware of. Since now, not everyone has the easy access to the narcotic medications. The reason behind this is that the control of such medications have been increased and they are not sold just like that to anyone.

But what most of the people don’t know is that there are some of the over the counter products that people can buy easily and they use such medicines to get high. A lot of the Robitussin which means the cough suppressant syrups are used for this purpose. The abusive use of over the counter medications was observed first with the over the counter cough syrups. However some of the people also use the painkillers that are easily available over the counter for the sake of abuse. While talking about the cough suppressant syrups, the syrup that is used a lot for this purpose is the Delsym. The teenagers most of all get the Delsym high.

The ingredient that causes such type of the high is the Dextromethorphan. It is a part of a lot of the cough syrups. These cough syrups are used for the purpose of getting high. This is why the presence of a pharmacist in the pharmacies is necessary. They can only sell the over the counter products to the patients and can figure out when the medicine is taken in more than necessary amount.

Delsym High Among Teenagers

Delsym High is the high that you get from the use of the cough syrup knows as the Delsym. This cough syrup has the dextromethorphan and it is usually the teenagers who go through this type of the high.

Teenage is the age when you are prone of getting involved in the drug abuse. Most of the time it is due to the company of people you have developed. Most of the time it is just for the purpose of recreation. You hear something which you think is cool and you want to try it. This is exactly what happens when teenagers find that the cough syrups like the Delsym creates the high and they get involved in such activities.

If you are parenting a teenager then these are the things that you should definitely know. It is not possible to get high on the cough syrup in normal doses. But when taken at high doses this definitely is the sign of the drug abuse and you should keep an eye on them. During the teenage, the drugs like the LSD, cocaine, alcohol, and meth catches the attention a lot. However these drugs are not easily available as the dextromethorphan is. So the teenagers start getting high on the dextromethorphan containing tussin.

Most of these cough medicines are available at the home all the time. Hence to get access of them and to drink them is not a problem.

Dextromethorphan in the Delsym High

Dextromethorphan is the main abusive drug present in the cough medicines. It is available in the form of the syrups mostly but is also available in the form of the pills. Dextromethorphan was introduced in the 1950’s and is a very active cough suppressant. It is good for almost all type of the coughs since it acts on the NMDA receptors, it stops the cough reflex from the nervous system and makes you feel very comfortable.

It’s availability is in in different types of the cough syrups like the Deconex DM, and Theraflu DM. In both these syrups the dextromethorphan is present as a combination drug and also as pure form. These medicines are used for the treatment of the cold and cough. When taken in the high doses which is almost 15 to 20 times higher than that of the normal dose used for the cough suppression, DM produces the high. At this dose the DM starts producing the hallucinations which most people like to enjoy. That is why they do the drug abuse.

Why it is Popular among Teenagers

The reason why the Delsym High which is the Dextromethorphan abuse is popular among the teenagers because of some of the following reasons. These reasons will lead to the understanding why teenagers do it and how much can you make the teenagers avoid this

  • The first and the foremost reasons why the misuse of the DM is high is because it is very easy to get. It is available as the OTC medicine which makes it very easy to buy for the drug abusers. The cough syrups and the other such dosage forms like the pills drops and powders are available at the home all the time. If you don’t have it at home then probably at some of your relative’s or neighbour’s place. From there the teenagers can easily sneak out these medicines for the purpose of getting high.
  • DXM is very cheap vs. other drugs. This makes it not in any way hard for the drug abusers to attain this medicine. They can nearly buy this medicine form the daily pocket money. In order to avoid this the pharmacist should keep an eye on this type of the situation. They can easily detect if someone is buying it on a daily basis that means they have the intention of misusing the drug. If they can’t even buy there are pharmacies from where they can easily shoplift these medicines.
  • DXM Abuse is very popular and this thing kind of fascinates the teenagers who hear about them. So the right thing to do by them is that not only tell them about the DXM abuse that has been going on. Moreover let them know the possible side effects and how it is harmful to their health and future. Keeping the teenager’s goal oriented and giving them the purpose in life will help them avoid this kind of abusive use of the medicines.
  • DXM abuse most of the time is due to the carelessness of the parents. The parents don’t believe that the cough syrup is as dangers to lead them towards the drug abuse. This kind of the attitude motivates the teenagers more towards the drug abuse.
  • It is also common because the most of the people overlook the fact of its misuse. They think that it is a very safe medicine and what harm may it cause to the health of a teenager. So understanding about the Delsym High can make them understand the situations together better. In this way they can help teenager avoid it too.

Side Effects of the Delsym High

Side Effects of the Delsym High
Image by Freepik

There are a lot of the side effects of the Delsym High and following are the some of them

  • Nausea
  • Rapid eye movements
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory loss
  • Slurred speech
  • Sweating
  • Fever
  • Impaired Vision
  • Coma

These side effects are so severe in some case that the children as young as the 12 years old need to be taken to the hospital as the emergency case. The worst of all side effects are that it causes nervous system impairments. Some of these impairments become the constant part of their life. Most of all these teenagers lose the motivation and the purpose in the life. They can’t become the active member of our community if they don’t quit it.

Warning Signs of Delsym Abuse

Recognizing the warning signs of Delsym abuse is crucial for timely intervention. Here are some behavioral and physical signs that may indicate a teenager is abusing Delsym, along with the importance of parental awareness and intervention:

Behavioral Signs:

  • Changes in appearance or habits: A noticeable shift in how they dress or take care of themselves.
  • Isolation: Spending more time alone, especially behind closed doors.
  • Secretive behavior: Being evasive or lying about their activities.
  • Unexplained absences: Spending many hours away from home without a valid explanation.
  • Financial discrepancies: Missing money or unexplained expenses could indicate purchasing Delsym.

Physical Signs:

  • Impaired motor function: Difficulty with coordination and movement.
  • Numbness: A lack of sensation in certain parts of the body.
  • Dissociative episodes: Feeling detached from reality or oneself.
  • Hallucinations: Experiencing visual or auditory hallucinations.
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure: These can be signs of DXM intoxication.
  • Elevated body temperature: Often accompanied by agitation or anxiety.

Importance of Parental Awareness and Intervention:

  • Early detection: Parents who are aware of these signs can detect abuse early and seek help.
  • Open communication: Creating an environment where teenagers feel comfortable discussing their issues can prevent substance abuse.
  • Education: Informing teenagers about the risks and consequences of Delsym abuse can deter experimentation.
  • Professional help: If abuse is suspected, seeking professional guidance is essential for the health and safety of the teenager.

Parental involvement is key in preventing and addressing Delsym abuse. Awareness of the warning signs and a proactive approach can make a significant difference in a teenager’s life.

Preventative Measures and Parental Guidance

Preventative Measures for Delsym High
Image by Freepik

Preventing Delsym abuse among teenagers is a critical issue that requires a proactive approach from parents and guardians. Here are some strategies and resources to help:

Strategies for Prevention:

  • Open Communication: Establish a dialogue about the dangers of drug abuse, including the misuse of over-the-counter medications like Delsym.
  • Education: Inform teenagers about the risks associated with Delsym abuse, such as potential health hazards and legal consequences.
  • Monitoring: Keep track of the medicine cabinet and be aware of the quantities of Delsym or other cough medicines.
  • Setting Boundaries: Make clear rules about drug use, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Encourage healthy behaviors and provide praise for making good choices.

Resources and Support:

  • Parental Support Groups: Joining groups can provide a network of advice, support, and shared experiences.
  • Educational Materials: Utilize resources from health organizations and schools that offer information on substance abuse prevention.
  • Professional Counseling: Seek help from professionals if you suspect your teenager is abusing Delsym or showing signs of drug dependency.
  • Online Platforms: Use online platforms and apps that offer guidance and tools for parents to engage with their children about this topic.

Focus on steering your teen towards healthy activities. Make sure the company he keeps motivates him and not the other way around. This will positively impact their self-esteem too. By combining these strategies with available resources, parents and guardians can play a significant role in preventing Delsym abuse and ensuring the well-being of their teenagers.


Is dextromethorphan a narcotic?

No, dextromethorphan is not classified as a narcotic. It is a cough suppressant with a low to moderate addiction liability and does not have a significant affinity for the mu-opioid receptor activity typical of narcotics.

Does dextromethorphan relax you?

Dextromethorphan is primarily used as a cough suppressant and does not typically have a relaxing effect. However, some side effects can include drowsiness or dizziness, which may be perceived as relaxation.

Is dextromethorphan a hallucinogenic?

Yes, when taken in excessive doses, dextromethorphan can act as a dissociative hallucinogen, leading to visual and auditory hallucinations.

Does dextromethorphan act as a stimulant?

Dextromethorphan has stimulant properties at lower doses. However, its primary use is not as a stimulant, and it is more commonly associated with sedative and dissociative properties.

Is Delsym safe for high blood pressure?

Delsym, containing dextromethorphan, is generally safe for those with high blood pressure when used as directed. However, its combination with others may create issues.

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