What to do When Jock Itch Won’t Go Away?

As for every single person out there, the worst nightmare would be if Jock Itch won’t go away. Now you might be wondering that what exactly Jock itch is and why Jock Itch won’t go away? Well this is a kind of infection which is caused by a fungus, and as you know just like any other fungal infection this one is also caused by moisture and it keeps on coming back again and again.

It is also known as Tinea Cruris, and this type of infection is usually caused on the moist body parts like thighs, genitals, and backsides etc. Now you must understand that Jock Itch won’t go away easily, because if you sweat a lot then, of course, it will not be that easy for you to get rid of Jock Itch.

Reasons if Jock Itch Won’t Go Away

Or if you are a sportsperson or athlete, because being in such activities would surely make you sweat a lot, and that is the main reason for having Jock Itch. Now there are several reasons for Jock Itch to occur besides being all sweat. If there is someone around you who is already having Joke itch, and during exercise, if you both are close to each other, then there might be a chance that you can also get the same infection as well. In short, this is a bacterial infection, and it can be transferred from one person to another.

Jock Itch won’t go away that easy especially in men, because men have more layers of skin on them as compared to women. And due to that, they are more likely to get sweat and heated body. In whole right now there are more patients of it in the United States of America as compared to any other country.

Inadequate Hygiene Practices

  • Not showering regularly or after sweating can create a moist environment ideal for fungal growth.
  • Failing to dry the groin area thoroughly after washing can also contribute to the problem.

Using the Wrong Treatments

  • Applying creams or powders that aren’t antifungal can be ineffective or even worsen the condition.
  • Misusing or overusing treatments can lead to resistance or irritation.

Activities That Exacerbate the Condition

  • Wearing tight or non-breathable clothing can increase moisture and heat, fostering fungal growth.
  • Continuing to engage in activities that cause excessive sweating without proper hygiene can prolong the infection.

Precautions if Jock Itch Won’t Go Away

And the reason behind this is the increasing fats problem in them. More fats mean to have more chances to get Jock Itch because due to those fats in the body your body will easily get heated up and get sweaty easily. And if you also have some problem then you need to take extra care for yourself, like you have to stay cleaned and dried up all the time.

Without sweat, there will not be any chance for this fungal infection to grow. Besides, there are several medicines available in the market to treat fungal infections. So, all you have to do is to consult a good doctor so that he could suggest you some medicine. Now many people avoid it because they have no idea about its symptoms, and they take it as just some normal itch.

Daily Habits to Prevent Recurrence

  • Shower Regularly: Bathe daily, especially after sweating or exercising.
  • Stay Dry: Thoroughly dry the groin area after showering and use antifungal powders if recommended by a doctor.
  • Clean Clothes: Change underwear daily and wash workout clothes after each use.

Importance of Personal Hygiene

  • Hand Washing: Regular hand washing can greatly reduce the risk of fungal infections.
  • Avoid Sharing Personal Items: Do not share towels, clothing, or other personal items to prevent the spread of infection.

Tips for Athletes and Active Individuals

  • Loose Clothing: Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing to allow air flow and reduce moisture.
  • Proper Gear: Ensure athletic supporters and cups are clean and dry.
  • Dry Environment: Use a blow dryer on a cool setting to ensure complete dryness in the groin area.

Treatment of Jock Itch

Well in start Jock Itch would seem to be normal with a red skin over chafing, but the thing that makes it different than some ordinary itching is the smooth edges, but taint blisters in middle. And soon after it has started then there will be extreme itching, and if you will keep on scratching that part of your body, then soon it will start to burn. And from this, you should easily understand that it is the beginning of Jock Itch.

Besides scales will also start to appear very soon as it is a long-term recurring infection. So, if you ever feel that you have some kind of itching especially in the lower portion of your body and that itching is getting extreme every day, so this is the time when you need to consult a doctor because Jock Itch won’t go away with simple medicines. Mainly the things that cause Jock Itch are by using clothes or towel of a person who already is facing this problem.

Jock itch can be a real pain (literally!). If over-the-counter treatments aren’t doing the trick, there are stronger options available. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Over-the-Counter Options: These are usually the first line of attack. They come in creams, powders, sprays, and washes. Look for ingredients like clotrimazole, miconazole, or terbinafine. Follow the directions carefully, some require one application a day, while others need twice-daily use for a couple of weeks.
  • Prescription Meds: If your jock itch is stubborn, your doctor might prescribe stronger topical creams like oxiconazole or econazole. In really bad cases, they might even give you pills to fight the infection from the inside out.
  • When to Take the Pills: Doctors typically recommend oral antifungals for widespread or severe infections, if topical treatments don’t work, or if you keep getting jock itch over and over again.

Things to Consider

Usually, it is spread by the same kind of fungus which causes Athletes Foot. And as you already know that this type of illness is also caused due to the sweat and heat of the body. And once it has started then Jock Itch won’t go away without proper medication. First, of at initial stage, you can try to treat Jock Itch with normal itching medicines, just to test if it can be treated with it. For once that itch will go away, and for that, you need to try some things on your own.

First of all, while you are at the gym, never use a towel of someone else. And after you are done with the shower, then dry yourself up from each and every end. Furthermore, stop wearing tight clothes, and try to lose cotton clothes. Because cotton clothes let air pass through easily, and due to that your body is kept dried up from sweating. Besides if your body is already showing symptoms and it won’t go away then you need you to need to put some ingredients together as an ointment, a mixture of Zinc oxide and hydrocortisone and apply it on that red portion of your body? And after that try to apply medicine to treat fungal infections.

Stop Sharing Clothes if Jock Itch Won’t Go Away

Many people just stop using such medicines when Jock Itch goes away. But in fact, it won’t go away and only its intensity will decrease, which means it will appear real soon. So you need to keep using antifungal medicines for at least 28 days to completely wipe it off. But even after several weeks have passed but Jock Itch won’t go away then it is obvious that you need to see some doctor.

Now you must know that if you used to wear tight, if you are a fat person, if you have sweating problem, if you are a diabetic patient, and if your immune system is not that much strong then make sure that this fungal infection will appear, and then this Jock Itch won’t go away. No doubt exercise is really important for health, but once you are done with exercise then always take a hot water shower to remove sweat away from your body. After that clean yourself with your own dry towel, and do not wear the same exercise clothes again. Instead, wear some other clean clothes.

Plus never share your stuff with anyone else, and avoid using their clothes and towel as well and for sure you will get relieved for years.

Distinguishing Jock Itch From Other Conditions

Having a red, itchy rash in your groin area can be confusing. It could be a couple of different things: inverse psoriasis, a yeast infection, or jock itch. Here’s a quick guide to tell them apart:

  • Inverse Psoriasis: This is an autoimmune disease, kind of like your body’s defense system is overreacting. It causes smooth, red patches in your skin folds, like under your arms or between your buttocks.
  • Yeast Infection: This happens when a fungus called Candida albicans gets a little too comfy in your groin area. It can cause redness and irritation on your penis or surrounding skin.
  • Jock Itch: This is another fungal infection, but from a different culprit. It usually shows up as a red, itchy rash on your groin, thighs, and buttocks.

Distinguishing Factors

  • Location: Inverse psoriasis likes skin folds, yeast infections can be on your penis or surrounding skin, and jock itch prefers your groin, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Looks: Inverse psoriasis shows up as smooth patches, jock itch is a red, itchy rash, and yeast infections can cause redness and irritation.
  • Treatment: Jock itch responds well to antifungal creams, yeast infections need medication to target Candida, and inverse psoriasis needs treatments to calm your overactive immune system.

If you’re unsure what’s going on down there, it’s always best to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Home Remedies and Lifestyle Adjustments

When it comes to managing jock itch, home remedies and lifestyle adjustments can play a significant role in both treatment and prevention. Here’s a detailed look at these aspects:

Keeping the Affected Area Clean and Dry

  • Hygiene: Shower or bathe daily, especially after sweating or exercise, using an antibacterial soap.
  • Drying: Pat the skin dry with a clean towel, focusing on the groin area to prevent moisture build-up.
  • Towels: Use a fresh towel each time to avoid spreading the infection.

Clothing and Fabric Considerations

  • Material: Choose loose-fitting clothing and underwear made from breathable fabrics like cotton to reduce moisture.
  • Change: Switch out of sweaty clothes immediately after exercising and avoid staying in wet swimwear for prolonged periods.
  • Laundry: Wash clothes, towels, and athletic supporters frequently to remove fungal spores.

Natural Remedies and Their Effectiveness

  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antifungal properties, it can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the affected area.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: With anti-fungal properties, it can be used in a diluted form to wash the infected area.
  • Garlic: A potent natural remedy, garlic can be applied topically for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
  • Aloe Vera: Helps soothe irritated skin and can be applied directly to the rash.


What does jock itch look like on a man?

Jock itch typically appears as a red, itchy rash in the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks. It may be:

  • Circular or patchy
  • Scaly or cracked
  • Raised and bumpy

The rash can vary in color depending on your skin tone, appearing red, purple, gray, tan, or white.

Can jock itch spread to the anus?

Yes, jock itch can spread to the anus if you scratch the infected area and then touch your anus. To prevent this, practice good hygiene and avoid scratching.

What causes jock itch in men?

Jock itch is caused by a fungus that thrives in warm, moist areas. While common in athletes (hence the name), anyone can get it due to sweating, tight clothing, or overweight.

Will jock itch go away on its own?

Maybe, but it could take weeks or months. Antifungal creams are more effective for faster relief.

How to get rid of jock itch quickly?

Over-the-counter antifungal creams are the quickest way to treat jock itch. Apply as directed for at least a week, even if symptoms improve. Keeping the area dry and wearing loose clothing also helps.

What to do for jock itch (male)?

Here’s what to do for jock itch:

  • Apply antifungal cream as directed.
  • Wash the affected area with warm water and mild soap, then dry thoroughly.
  • Wear loose-fitting, cotton underwear and clothing.
  • Avoid scratching and sharing towels or clothes.
  • Change clothes after sweating.

If symptoms persist after using antifungal cream for a week, see a doctor.

What kills jock itch fast?

Over-the-counter antifungal creams like clotrimazole or terbinafine can quickly kill the fungus causing jock itch.

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